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Hripsime Grigoryan: The restoration of Armenian-Hungarian diplomatic relations witnesses that there is no issue that cannot be resolved diplomatically
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The strengthening of Armenia-Hungary relations has an important place on the foreign political agenda of the Republic of Armenia. After a long interval the restoration of bilateral diplomatic relations witnesses that there is no issue that cannot be resolved diplomatically. The culture and civilization based on Christian values unite our two peoples. The Armenian side highlights the role of parliamentary diplomacy and the activity of Friendship Groups. The high ranking mutual visits of recent years have been valuable. The Head of the RA NA Armenia-Hungary Friendship Group Hripsime Grigoryan noted this at the meeting with the delegation led by the Head of the Hungary-Armenia Friendship Group of the National Assembly of Hungary Mihály Balla.

Hripsime Grigoryan underscored the warm attitude and support of the Hungarian side to the Armenian community in all times. According to the MP, Armenia greatly appreciates the proposal of supporting our country in humanitarian issues, particularly, in terms of release of Armenian prisoners of war. In this context the Head of the Friendship Group mentioned with satisfaction the return of 5 Armenian prisoners of war to Armenia by the support of the Government of Hungary in December 2021.

Hripsime Grigoryan presented to the guests the efforts of the Armenian side aimed at the regional stability, touched upon the process of signing the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan, underlining that the peaceful co-existence with the neighbours of important for our country. The MP detailed the Crossroads of peace project initiated by the Government of Armenia, which is also aimed at the development of the region.

The Head of the Armenia-Hungary Friendship Group also emphasized the development of bilateral ties in different spheres. She reaffirmed the readiness of the Hungarian side to support the establishment of peace in the region.

At the meeting reference was made to the problem of preservation of cultural heritage, the development and expansion of cooperation in economy, science, education, spiritual-cultural, energy and other spheres. The necessity of the implementation of youth programmes was especially underlined. The interlocutors recorded with satisfaction the fact that the summer camp initiative for the children forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karavakh was successfully implemented, the first group of children visited Hungary in August. It was noted that the programme will be continuous.

At the end of the meeting the sides underscored the mutual wish of reaching the bilateral cooperation to a new level.

The members of the Friendship Group Mikayel Tumasyan, Arsen Torosyan and Gayane Yeghiazaryan took part in the meeting.

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