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Hasmik Hakobyan speaks about the goal and importance of the Conference at the briefing with representatives of mass media
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The 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union is underway in Yerevan.

The Member of the delegation of our country to the organisation, the Member of the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Hasmik Hakobyan spoke at the briefing for the representatives of the mass media within the framework of the event.

The MP expressed conviction that the Conference creates wide opportunities for closely communicating with the international colleagues and exchange experience. She talked about the wide range of engagement – besides parliamentarian framework representatives of the government, civil society and beneficiaries of the sphere are involved.

In terms of the involvement of the young people in the state administration system in our country the representative of the Armenian delegation assured that after the 2018 revolution both in parliament and in the executive body the involvement of the young people was expanded.

Speaking about the goal of the Conference, first of all, Hasmik Hakobyan referred to the ongoing crises in the world, which have a negative impact on the young people, particularly, in terms of the execution of the right to their employment and education. The aim of the Conference is to give opportunities to the youth irrespective of circumstances.

To the MP’s conviction, the event is also a good opportunity to speak about the problems of Armenia. In this context the representative of the Armenian delegation noted that she will raise the issue of the violated rights of our young people who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh and present the solutions for the settlement of the problems.

Parliament debates draft law on Launching Accession Process of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union
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Alen Simonyan receives newly appointed Ambassador of Italy to Armenia
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Work of NA regular sittings begins
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