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Process of drug destruction by initiative to be carried out with direct participation and video recording of the inspection body representative
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The adoption of the drafts is conditioned by the necessity of checking in the control of drug circulation by the RA Health and Labor Inspection body, the solution of the problems emerged during the administrative proceedings and the rise pf control efficiency.

It is designed by the law on Drugs what is the pharmacy of the medical institution, but it is not set in what order is carried out the drug dispatching from the pharmacy, as well as the authorizing for establishing relevant order.

“The inspection authority found out in many pharmacies drugs with writing Not subject to sale. We empower the inspection authority to carry out checking in the pharmacies of the medical institution, and in case of recording violations to impose sanctions,” the deputy Lusine Badalyan underscored, presenting in the first reading the package of draft laws on Making Addenda to the RA Law on Drugs and on Making Addenda to the RA Law on Administrative Offenses authored by the deputy Narek Zeynalyan and her at the NA sitting on September 9.

According to the Rapporteur, during the control carried out by the Health and Labor Inspection body cases were recorded, when drugs exceeding several dozen millions imported or not registered by the violation of law were presented for destruction during one year by the companies of realizing wholesale of drugs or having pharmacy activity licenses.

Taking into consideration the abovementioned, they propose the controlling process of giving authority to the inspection body as much as possible. It is designed by the initiative that the organization should provide information on destructing drugs at least before 5 working days to the inspection body carrying out control.

As Lusine Badalyan informed, that the Inspection Body Representative will be present in the process of drug destruction.

The member of the Standing Committee on Health Care (Head) Hrachya Hakobyan voiced the endorsement of the Committee.

The RA Deputy Minister of Health Artak Jumayan presented the positive position of the Government on the issue.

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