The Executive proposes an amendment and an addendum to the Labor Code. The amendment refers to the forced idleness in Article 265. The forced idleness notion is not given by the Labor Code. The person with the current regulations is fired from one place and works long ago in other place, but as the issue of legality of the bases for dismissal from the first workplace is disputed and until entering into judicial act, that the forced idleness continues to be counted.
It is designed to remove the unjust approach in cases of transferring to a new job, to other employer by the employee during the forced idleness period to pay an amount of the last 9-month salary paid for the former work for forced idleness during the given period. The positive difference of the salaries received for a new job in the given period of the forced idleness also before will be paid. If the employee worked less than nine months, then an amount of the paid salary for that period will be given.
The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan presented for debate the addendum and the amendment being proposed in the Labor Code.
Mariam Poghosyan informed about the endorsement of the Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs.