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Legal relations arising in the legal aid with criminal proceedings to be regulated by legislative
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Armenia has ratified a number of international bilateral and multilateral agreements. A part of them is refers to the legal mutual aid, including in the criminal sphere, and defines it is a general definition of the forms of providing them, the procedure, the procedural actions, the specifics of the execution of various surveys. It is natural that the international agreements do not envisage them. The relevant, competent authorities of the Republic of Armenia need having such regulations, which will give an opportunity to them to understand that what international agreement how should be implemented, and which body what duty has implementing this or that agreement. This imperative lies on the basis of drafting the law on Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings The issues was debated in the regular sitting of the eighth session of the RA NA eighth convocation.

As the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan presented, the draft consists 10 chapters, which regulate numerous issues and problems. It designs providing legal aid in cases of availability of the international agreements, as well as of their absence.

Provisions regarding the movement of the persons who have not been served a conditional sentence in the territory of the foreign state or in the Republic of Armenia or who have been released on parole from serving their sentence for carrying out control were stipulated.

Legal relations on the transfer of the criminal proceedings – the order and conditions of the transfer of the proceedings, the requirements deriving from the international agreements to make the request, the form and content of the mediation, the bases of refusing the inquiry. being presented to were regulated by a separate chapter

The adoption of the draft stems from the 2019-2023 strategic programme of the RA judicial and legal reforms.

The member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Arpine Davoyan presented the endorsement of the Committee on the draft, noting that the legal relations arising in the legal aid in criminal proceedings will be regulated by law.

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