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Work of regular NA session begins
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On September 9, the work of the eighth session of the eighth convocation of the RA National Assembly began under the sounds of the RA National Anthem.

The NA President Alen Simonyan stated that the Central Electoral Commission had presented Protocol No. 21 on granting the mandate of a deputy elected to the National Assembly whose powers have prematurely terminated to the next candidate, according to which the mandate is given to the next candidate of the first part of the electoral list of the Civil Contract Party Armenuhi Ghazaryan.

The deputy Armenuhi Ghazaryan, who filled the seat of the National Assembly, was sworn in at the NA sitting in accordance with the Constitutional Law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.

The NA President Alen Simonyan presented the draft agenda of the eighth session of the eighth convocation of the National Assembly, and the Standing Committee on Defense and Security of the National Assembly didn’t endorse the draft law on guarantees for the family members of servicemen killed for the defense of the Republic of Armenia included in the third section authored by the MP Gegham Nazaryan from the NA Armenia Faction. The Parliament voted to include the draft in the agenda of the session.

The Head of the NA Civil Contract Faction Hayk Konjoryan clarified before the voting that the regulations proposed by Gegham Nazaryan in the draft are already addressed by other legal regulations, so the Faction will vote against.

Not receiving enough votes in favor, the draft was not included in the agenda of the session.

Alen Simonyan also presented the draft agenda of the regular sittings of the National Assembly to be convened on September 9.

The Parliament approved the agendas, after which the debate of the legislative drafts began.

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