Judicial Code of RA being improved: Examination of issue of subjecting judge to disciplinary liability to be carried out by 4 members of Supreme Judicial Council
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The development of the draft stems from the necessity to provide for the possibility of appealing the decisions made as a result of examining the issues of disciplinary liability and termination of the judge’s powers, as well as the need to solve a number of practical problems arising as a result of functioning these institutions. The RA Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan presented the draft law on Making Addenda and Amendments to the Constitutional Law Judicial Code of the Republic of Armenia in the first reading at the NA sitting on September 11.

The Minister noted that the examination of the issue of subjecting the judge to disciplinary liability will be carried out by 4 members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC). The mentioned members will be different for each disciplinary proceeding and will include two members elected by the General Assembly of judges and the National Assembly. The examination of the complaint brought against the decision on subjecting the judge to disciplinary liability will be carried out by the Supreme Judicial Council, with the members not included in the examination of the question of subjecting the judge to disciplinary liability in the given disciplinary proceedings.

Arusyak Julhakyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs.