It is proposed to recognize the provisions concerning the investigative sub-division of the law on Tax Service invalid
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The parliament debated in the first reading the draft law on Amending the Law on Tax Service. The Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee (SRC) Artur Manukyan informed that it proposed to regulate the provisions of the law with the amendments, which are not in effect anymore.

The draft was revised, taking into consideration that the Investigative Department of the RA State Revenue Committee was transferred to the RA Investigative Committee system from the Staff of the Committee with its employees and functions from January 1 2023. Accordingly, the draft proposed to recognize the provisions on investigative sub-division of the law on Tax Service invalid.

The deputy of the NA Armenia Faction Garnik Danielyan inquired from the rapporteur what change is designed regarding the cars with Georgian license plates, as there is serious concern among the wide layers of society. “People import Georgian dozens of thousands of cars to Armenia. They have serious concern, as recently we received information that the SRC wishes to enter new legislative initiative which should let to customs clearance of those cars,” the deputy said.

Artur Manukyan informed that it refers, probably, to light cars, which are imported temporarily, up to one year, to Armenia. “As our reality is that after 365 days those cars continue remaining in Armenia, therefore a number of versions of the issue are debated in the Government. At this moment, there is no final proposal to be presented to the society, it is under debate. It refers to the cars which were imported and customs clearance should be done, but the proposal of the SRC will relate to presenting in cash deposit instead of presenting only the insurance coverage as security,” the SRC Deputy Chairman said.

He noted that property and ecological tax is not paid for those imported cars. Security is presented in the form of insurance coverage, and they continue using them in the Republic of Armenia. “This situation needs to be regulated, and therefore, at present, the Government debates the way how to solve the issue of providing the state budget revenues and other problems,” the SRC Deputy Chairman clarified.

David Arushanyan presented the endorsement on the draft of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs.