Current regulations cause problems of separation of voluntary and legal work, lack of guarantees for volunteers and volunteer organizations, involvement of foreign volunteer workers: the RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan stated.
The draft law on Voluntary Work and the package of related draft laws were debated at May 16 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs.
According to the Deputy Minister, the main law stipulates voluntary and assistance work, subjects of voluntary work, limitations and features regarding voluntary work, contractual regulations of relations between the volunteer and the organization.
According to Ruben Sargsyan, the need to adopt the legislative package is conditioned by the complete legislative regulation of voluntary work.
According to the presented draft, a citizen who performs voluntary work and has a contract is considered a volunteer. There are no limitations, but persons under 16 years of age, persons with disabilities, and persons taking care of children under two years of age will be involved in volunteer work in accordance with the limitations and specifications set by the law. The package also includes health and safety protection, insurance guarantees.
Public authorities, including state or local self-government bodies, state or community non-commercial organizations, other non-profit legal entities or institutions, and for-profit legal entities with 100% state-owned shares have the opportunity to engage volunteers in voluntary work.
The activities performed to provide assistance based on family or kinship relations are not considered voluntary, and volunteering in the field of state defense is regulated by a separate law.
The package is aimed at promoting the stabilization of the volunteer institute, as well as the education and labor market connection, the formation of a qualified workforce, the formation of an active civil society, etc. It will also provide an opportunity to gain knowledge and professional experience.
According to the key rapporteur, the above mentioned amendments will provide attractiveness to voluntary work.
Ruben Sargsyan responded to many questions of the deputies, which were related to volunteer’s participation in rescue operations, providing accessible conditions for people with disabilities, employer-volunteer cooperation, reimbursement of volunteer’s expenses, etc.
The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan mentioned that the proposals will be addressed during the period from the first to the second reading, and a working debate will be organized with the participation of Government representatives in the near future.
Heriknaz Tigranyan highly valued the jointly developed package and underscored the necessity of legal regulation of the field of voluntary work.
The package of the draft law will be revised for submission to the second reading.
As a result of the debate, the legislative package was endorsed.