Antigoni Perifanou: Serious achievements can be made and successes can be recorded with cooperation
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“Serious achievements can be made and successes can be recorded with cooperation,” the General Director for Parliamentary Work of the Hellenic Parliament Antigoni Perifanou said during the workshop on the topic The Role of Parliamentary Bodies for the efficiency of Parliamentary Work organization.

It was held for the Staff of the National Assembly, experts of the Committees and assistants to the deputies within the framework of the Twinning Project - Strengthening the capacity of the National Assembly of Armenia to further support CEPA oversight and implementation, on September 28.

Antigoni Perifanou, speaking about the Conference of Presidents of Parliaments, presented the structure and functions of the Hellenic Parliament.

Greece has a 200-year history of parliamentarianism, and the aim of the workshop is to introduce the best Greek practices into the Armenian Parliament.

The Director of the Office of the A’ Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament Emmanouil Chatzakis referred to the rights and functions of the Vice Presidents of parliament during the workshop, as well as the role and working orders of the Committee on European Affairs.

The Heads of the Department for Economic, Environmental & Technological Studies, the Directorate of Legislation, the Scientific Service, the Department of EU presented their functions, emphasizing that the key to effective work is the cooperation between all departments.

The experts of the Hellenic Parliament answered the questions of the employees of the National Assembly, referred to the parliamentary bodies of the two countries, the similarities and differences in the structure and functions of parliaments.