It is Proposed to Extend Authorities of NA Inquiry Committee
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It is proposed to extend the authorities of the NA Inquiry Committee by the draft law authored by the deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Sergey Bagratyan.

At May 25 sitting of the National Assembly during the debate of the draft law there were different proposals by the deputies on extending the term. A proposal was voiced on making the term of the authorities of the Inquiry Committee until 18 months without the right of extending it. The deputies also voiced the issue of the work efficiency of the Inquiry Committee, indicating that there are sometimes issues that their examination is restricted, and the Inquiry Committee cannot fully function.

Let us remind that by the legal regulation in force the term of the Inquiry Committee’s authorities is up to 6 months, which once by the proposal of the Committee and by the decision of the National Assembly will be extended up to 6 months. This regulation, according to Sergey Bagratyan, is problematic.

“In 2018-2021, in the NA 11 Inquiry Committees were formed, and the term of 5 out of them was extended. All committees had a problem of extending the term, this proves that that term is not sufficient for resolving the most important problems,” the deputy said.

According to the deputy, the adoption of the bill is aimed at the full operation of this parliamentary tool, the role of making decisions by the Committee and the efficiency rise. Thus, it is proposed to make the term of the Committee’s authorities 1 year which can be extended up to 6 months.

In her co-report Arpine Davoyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee. The MP urged her colleagues to pass the draft law in the first reading, then as a result of proposals, understand the mechanisms of finding more complete solutions.

The Government endorsed the draft law.

The parliament in the second reading debated the package of draft laws on Making Addendum to the RA Civil Code and on Making Addendum to the Law on State Border and the bill on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Code on the RA Lithosphere .

The deputies by voting passed the legislative initiatives debated during the regular sittings.