Complaint Order of Purchase Processes is Designed to Amend
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At October 20 regular sitting, the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs moderated by Vahe Hakobyan debated in the first reading the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Purchases with the enclosed package.

As the RA Deputy Minister of Finance has informed, the goal of the initiative is the examinations of the complaints related to the processes of the purchases, which with the proposed package is designed to reserve to the professional court. This is also conditioned by the fact that by the Agreement signed between the World Trade Organization and the European Union Armenia was obliged to form an independent body which should examining the complaints connected with the purchases.

It is proposed to set the complaints related to the purchase should be examined in one separated court. Two trained judges will be involved with the examination of the cases.

After the adoption the examination with the extrajudicial order of the cases related to the complaints of the complaint of the purchase procedures will be removed. The wide scope of the persons having an opportunity of presenting complaint is also considered controversial, therefore it designed to give an opportunity for submitting a complaint to only concerned persons.

The rapporteur answered to the MPs’ questions, which related to the purchases being done from one person by the state bodies, the necessity of providing competition in those processes, the protection of the entities’ interests, the loading of the courts, the inefficiency of the purchase system, etc.

The package with endorsement of the Committee will be proposed to be included in the draft agenda of the NA session.

The debate of the package is designed to implement during the NA regular sittings beginning on November 16.

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