Legislative Amendments Being Proposed to Tax and Water Codes Debated
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At April 9 sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment, the RA draft law on Amending the RA Land Code authored by the Government was debated in the second reading. The key speaker, the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vache Terteryan presented the draft law.

Vache Terteryan presented the package of the draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on the RA Administrative-Territorial Division authored by the Government in the second reading.

Afterwards the Committee debated in the second reading the draft law on Making Addenda to the RA Water Code presented by the RA Deputy Minister of Environment Vardan Melikyan.

Vardan Melikyan presented the draft law on Making Addenda to the RA Law on Trade and Services in the second reading.

By the adoption of the draft law abrupt decrease of the volumes of the plastic bags’ use, which would result in the reduction of the pollution of the environment and its components, and the improvement of the ecological situation of the republic.

The MPs’ questions referred to the regulation of the alienation of the plots, the cadaster values of the plots in case of alienation, the preservation of sweet taste waters and rational use, the ecological problems.

The legislative initiatives debated in the second reading were endorsed.