National Strategic Programme for Human Rights Protection and Action Plan for 2020-2022 Stemming From It
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On October 29, at the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs moderated by Naira Zohrabyan a working sitting was held, having on the agenda of the National Strategic Programme for Human Rights Protection and Action Plan for 2020-2022 Stemming from it

The Committee considered the abovementioned programme and presented proposals directed to its improvement, particularly in the protection of civil and political rights and social-economic rights, in the strategic priorities of equal rights and equal opportunities.

The Committee members presented proposals for including them in the National Strategic Programme for Human Rights Protection.

The item of more comprehensively presenting the problems of the mass media in the Strategy Programme was also discussed. It was noted that the Committee would address the RA Government for getting clarifications related to some provisions of the Strateguc Programme, particularly, in providing information on the international experience on criminalizing the speech of hatred proposed by the document.

The Committee members’ proposals will be summed up and submitted to the Government within the established term.

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