Problems of Armenian-Canadian Economic Cooperation Discussed
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On October 11, the Head of the RA NA Armenia-Canada Friendship Group Arman Yeghoyan and the Group members met with the Canadian-Armenian businessmen, who are in our country in the framework of Armenia-Diaspora Cooperation Forum.

Arman Yeghoyan highlighted the development of the Armenian-Canadian economic relations and the expansion of cooperation with the Canadian Armenian businessmen. It has been noted that at present 45 joint enterprises function.

The Canadian Armenian businessman Hrach Gaspari considered necessary the boosting of investments. He presented the problems existing in the economic relations, underlined the necessity of the awareness rise on business sphere, and especially the investment policy.

The guests emphasized the fact of having an Embassy of Canada to Armenia, which according to them, would give an opportunity to be informed about the investments and the procedure of the development of our country’s economy.

During the meeting the cooperation in the IT sphere and the investment of the international experience was stressed.

According to Hrach Gaspari, the Canadian Armenian business community is ready to support the implementation of the economic investment programmes of New Armenia.

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