Ararat Mirzoyan Receives Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Jackie Kanchelian-Speier and Judy Chu
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The President of the National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the Members of the U. S. House of Representatives Jackie Kanchelian-Speier and Judy Chu.

Ararat Mirzoyan thanked the Congress Members for accepting his invitation to visit Armenia and Artsakh. The NA President has noted that after the Velvet revolution held on the previous year Armenia resolutely goes on by the democratic development, and the free elections, the human rights, free competitive economy, the transparency, accountability, the independent judicial system, the fight against corruption are fundamental values and goals for the RA new authorities.

Ararat Mirzoyan has noted that the United States is one of the most important partners of Armenia, and the RA is open and wants to develop the relations with the U.S. in all directions. The Speaker of the Parliament underlined the importance of cooperation between the two countries’ legislative bodies. He expressed his gratitude to the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues for being next to Armenia in different initiatives during these years, as well as for increasing the financial allocation by 40mln USD directed to the programs for the support of democracy in Armenia already established by the House of Representatives.

Ararat Mirzoyan has stated that Armenia greatly assesses the support shown by the U.S. to Armenia with different programs during all these years. The Head of the legislative body thanked the U.S. for the involvement of the U.S. in the scopes of the OSCE Minks Group Co-Chairmanship, reaffirming the devotion of the RA authorities to the settlement of the problem exclusively through peaceful means.

Jackie Kanchelian-Speier and Judy Chu expressed their gratitude to Ararat Mirzoyan for inviting to Armenia, noting that they want to closely cooperate in all spheres. The Congress members welcomed the democratic processes going on in Armenia.

During the talk the sides exchanged viewpoints on the agenda of the reforms being implemented in Armenia.

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