RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Convenes an Extraordinary Sitting
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At June 27 extraordinary sitting moderated by Babken Tunyan the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debated legislative initiatives on the sheres state property registration and state duty.

The draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on State Registration of the Rights towards Property and the package of the enclosed draft laws was debated in the first reading.

According to the Head of the RA State Committee of Real Estate Cadastre Sarhat Petrosyan, different bodies of the state administration were given certain functions of conducting cadastres concerning the spheres of their activity by the RA legislation.

The RA Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan noted about the advantages of the adoption of the draft law on Amending the RA Law on State Duty.

The draft law on State-Private Partnership was debated in the second reading.

The deputies presented recommendations after the first reading.

The debated draft laws gave an endorsement for being included in the agenda of June 28 NA extraordinary session.

Ways of notifying citizens increased
Within the framework of organizing and holding of conscription for compulsory military service, exercise gatherings and military exercises the ways of perfect notifications being given for appearing at their military registration office, as well as the framework of approving the documents and facts ...