Ararat Mirzoyan Takes Part in Sitting of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly CIS
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On April 18, the Speaker of the RA National Assembly took part in the sitting of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly CIS Council in Saint Petersburg.

Among other agenda items, according to its procedure the Council discussed and accepted as an information the conclusion of the IPA CIS Observation Mission observing the snap parliamentary elections held in the Republic of Armenia on 9 December 2018.

By the conclusion of the Observation Mission it has been noted that, according to the observers, considerable work has been done during comparably short period by the RA State Government Bodies responsible for the organisation of the Central Electoral Commission and the elections. The participation of eleven political parties and alliances in the elections provided the competitiveness. The mass media gave information to the public on the political forces participating in the elections and their programmes, the international observers’ rights were preserved and necessary support was provided to the latter.

“In this way on 9 December 2018 the snap elections of the National Assembly held in the Republic of Armenia were held in accordance with the electoral national legislation and international law norms and the free will expression of Armenia’s citizens was ensured during voting,” the conclusion is summed up.

By another decision the Council approved the election of the Chair of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Varazdat Karapetyan in the post of the Chairman of the IPA CIS Commission on Economy and Finance.

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