Congratulatory Address on New Year and Holy Nativity by RA National Assembly President Ara Babloyan
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Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you on the occasion of the New Year and Holy Nativity and I wish you all the best.

In the ending year of 2018 we entered into a new phase of transformations of political and public life. We had both good and difficult days. And let the year 2019 become a year of calling into life our intentions going to future.

Naturally, first of all, I congratulate our soldiers, commanders, our compatriots celebrating the New Year in borderline settlements, who defend this dreamed and victorious peace.

This festive day I wish that the chains decorating the New Year fir trees light our chosen path of creating democratic and civil society.

Once again congratulating on the occasion of the New Year and Holy Nativity, I wish that the beginning year of 2019 become the regular year of health, welfare, the further strengthening of Armenian statehood, the development of economy, culture, science and education and the fulfillment of our dreams.

Tribute on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day
The President of the RA National Assembly Alen Simonyan, the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the members of the Government and the deputies of the Civil Contract Faction visited the Victory (Haghtanak) Park on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day.They put wreaths at the Monument to the Unknown S...