Ara Babloyan Visits Oncological Centre
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The RA NA President Ara Babloyan visited Oncological Centre of the Ministry of Healthcare of Artsakh accompanied by the Minister of Healthcare of Artsakh Republic Arayik Baghryan within the framework of his working visit to Stepanakert, where he got acquainted with the conditions of the newly created centre. The Centre was built with the benefactors’ support.

During his visit the Head of the parliament also met with the specialists, who arrived from Yerevan Arabkir Medical Centre, which implemented medical services for free with foreign colleagues in recent days. The Head of the Oncological Centre presented in detail to the Head of the parliament and the foreign guests the medical equipment obtained for the Centre which completely corresponds with modern standards.

At the end of his visit Ara Babloyan held consultation with the Minister of Healthcare, the Head of the Republican Medical Centre and Medical Staff. The problems of the healthcare of Arstakh were discussed, the perspectives of the sphere development and ways of more effectively organizing the joint works with the foreign colleagues were pointed out.

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