Ara Babloyan Meets with Speaker of House of Representatives of National Assembly of Belarus
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On April 12, the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Bealrus Vladimir Andreychenko in Saint Petersburg.

The Head of the RA Parliament positively assessed the current level of the Armenian-Belarusian political dialogue and the friendly ties formed between the two peoples. In bilateral relations Ara Babloyan especially highlighted the role of the parliamentary diplomacy, as well as the cooperation of the legislative bodies on the international parliamentary platforms. The RA NA Speaker also touched upon the issues of cooperation of the two countries within the framework of the EEU and CSTO.

Vladimir Andreychenko has underlined that Belarus treats the Armenian people with warmth and brotherly feelings. In the development of cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries he emphasized the role of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee.

Underlining that Armenia and Belarus have great potential of economic cooperation, and in that context the interlocutors have discussed the opportunities of developing the mutually beneficial cooperation.

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