Pupils of Yerevan Hayrapet Hayrapetyan School Visit National Assembly
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On March 1, within the framework of the Open Doors programme the pupils and teachers of Yerevan Hayrapet Hayrapetyan School visited the RA NA. The guests observed the works of the NA regular sitting in the Session Hall.

The RA NA deputy Margarit Yesayan met with them. The MP detailed the main principles of the activities of the National Assembly and touched upon the peculiarities of the parliamentary government. At the meeting Margarit Yesayan answered the participants’ questions which related to the defense of the country, particularly the programmes I am and I Have an Honour, and the negotiation process of Karabakh problem solution. The participants also touched upon the educational sphere and the problems of the road-transport system.

Margarit Yesayan urged the pupils to study well and receive wide reserve knowledge and be a good specialist.

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