RA NA Council Sitting Held
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On February 26, the RA NA Council sitting presided over by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan was held.

The draft laws on Making Addenda to the agenda of the third session of the NA sixth convocation and the agenda of the regular sittings being convened on February 27, 2018 of the third session of the sixth convocation, as well as the sequence and the duration of the debate of the agenda items of the regular sittings were established. Up to 2-hour duration will be allotted for the debate of the draft laws on Normative Legal Acts, on Protection of Rights of the Persons with Disabilities and Social Inclusion and Official Statistics, the legislative package on Amending the RA Law on the Organization and Holding of the Check-ups in the RA, on Administrative Infringements.

16 items were included in the draft law on Making Addenda in the agenda of the third session of the sixth convocation of the National Assembly, 19 items – in the draft law of the regular sittings’ agenda to be convened on February 27.

The item on Debating the Answer of the RA NA Way Out Faction interpellation will be debated by the author’s agreement during the next regular sittings.

By the decision of the Council addenda were made in the decision on Approving the Members of the National Assembly Friendship Groups.

The Council made a decision to propose the National Assembly to hold an additional one sitting on February 27, from 18:30 to 20:00.