Ara Babloyan Receives Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran
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On November 3, the RA NA President received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Kazem Sadjadi. Welcoming the Ambassador, the RA NA President highlighted the centuries-old friendship existing between Armenia and Iran. Ara Babloyan highlighted the activities of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups and noted that the Friendship Groups should actively work, by which they would promote the rapprochement of the parliaments’ relations. In the RA NA President’s word, it is necessary to work out working style and be led by keeping the priorities on target. Touching upon the Constitutional reforms held in Armenia and the processes following them, Ara Babloyan noted: “As you know, Armenia turns into a system of parliamentary government, by which the authorities of the parliament and the oversight functions increase. I believe that the parliament can promote the development of Armenia-Iran trade-economic relations, undertaking certain practical steps. And in the frameworks of the parliamentary oversight demand special information on the cooperation from the government.”

According to the RA NA President, Armenia can be become a bridge between Iran and the EEU, Iran and Europe, therefore both sides should direct the concerned sides for reaching Iran via Armenia.

Ara Babloyan expressed readiness to support the initiatives aimed at cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran in all possible spheres.

Thanking for the reception the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Kazem Sadjadi conveyed Ali Larijani’s greetings and the invitation to visit Iran, which was gladly accepted.

The Ambassador presented to the RA NA President the work done during his tenure and the main directions of cooperation with the RA legislative and executive bodies.

Seyed Kazem Sadjadi emphasized the mutual visits of high level existing between the two countries, noting that they are the vivid evidence of the political dialogue held between the heads of the two countries and rapprochement of the relations between the peoples. The Ambassador has noted that the Parliament of Iran gives great place the development of the trade-economic relations with all countries, including Armenia.

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