Issues on Development of Tourism Developed at RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs
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On November 3, the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs organized working discussion on the policy of the State Tourism Committee of the RA Ministry of Economic Development and Investments to be implemented for 2018. The RA NA deputies, the Chair of the State Tourism Committee of the RA Ministry of Economic Development Zarmine Zeytuntsyan, the first Deputy Chair of the Committee Mekhak Apresyan, the Director of ASUE Amberd Research Centre Armen Grigoryan, the Researcher of ASUE Amberd Research Centre Gayane Tovmasyan, the Director of the Ingoing Tour-Operators Union Karine Davoyan, the General Director of Armenia Travel+M LTD Hayk Grigoryan, the representative of Fun Travel Company Anahit Ghzaryan, experts and those responsible for the sphere took part in the discussion.

The Chair of the State Tourism Committee of the RA Ministry of Economic Development and Investments Zarmine Zeytuntsyan noted that voluminous work was done with cooperation of the state and private sectors to implement marketing policy in the sphere of tourism, to form the picture of favourable and attractive country for tourism in Armenia and present in the international market.

A number of festivals which had become traditional and popular and of international recognition (Gata Festival, Wine Traditional Festival, etc.) were held with the support of the RA Ministry of Economic Development and Investments.

“One of the prior steps of the RA State Tourism Committee is the PR of Armenia and the rise of recognition. The journalists enjoying world recognition have great role in the rise of Armenia’s recognition. More than 80 journalists visited Armenia from 8 countries. 8 films were shot about Armenia, and about 80 articles were printed in the international authoritative mass media. The American, Russian, Philippine, European, Arab well-known periodicals presented the tourism, history, culture, traditions, the modern life and inhabitants of Armenia. In 2018 about 120 journalists will arrive in Armenia, providing considerable auditorium in the whole world,” Zarmine Zeytuntsyan said.

In their interpellations the participants of the discussion touched upon the issues concerning the sphere of tourism, as the issue of the rise of Armenia’s recognition in the social networks, the provision of electronic marketing, the guides’ licensing, and the protection and support of the tour-operators in Armenia.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Khosrov Harutyunyan highlighted the discussions with new format, underlining that serious issues aimed at making the policy being pursued in the sphere of tourism had been discussed.

The discussions in such format will be continuous.

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