Eduard Sharmazanov: “Azerbaijani Attempts of Transmitting Religious Context to NK Conflict Are Simply Absurd:”
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On November 8, the Deputy Speaker of the RA National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov received the Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia Shahbaz Solbi.

Eduard Sharmazanov has highly assessed the developing multilateral relations with friendly Iran and has noted that though the friendly, cultural and spiritual ties have centuries old history, nevertheless, there is a great potential to further develop and make closer the mutually beneficial relations at different levels, implement programmes in which the parliamentary friendship groups can have significant role in calling them into life.

Touching upon the regional issues, Eduard Sharmazanov has underlined that Armenia highlights the balanced position in the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict unlike Turkey. In this context Eduard Sharmazanov has noted that the high level of the Armenian-Iranian relations reaffirms that the Azerbaijani attempts of transmitting religious context to the conflict are simply absurd.

The Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia Shahbaz Solbi thanked Eduard Sharmazanov for the warm reception and also highlighted the rapprochement of the Armenian-Iranian ties, noting that there is a greater potential to develop economic ties, tourism, cargo transportation, for which Armenia’s membership to the EEC is of favourable importance.

At the meeting the parties discussed other issues of bilateral interest.