RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov Hands RA NA Speaker’s Memorial Medal to Sergejs Potapkins
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On April 22, the RA NA Deputy Speaker, the Head of the NA Armenia-Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov handed the RA NA Speaker’s Memorial Medal to the MP of the Latvian Parliament, the Head of Latvia-Armenia Friendship Group Sergejs Potapkins.

The NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov highly assessed the Latvian parliamentarian’s contribution to the strengthening and the rapprochement of the Armenian-Latvian relations. The NA Deputy Speaker highlighted the work of Latvia-Armenia Friendship Group led by Sergejs Potapkins and the statement made by the Group, by which in 2015 he condemned the Armenian Genocide happened 100 years ago, ignoring the fact that Latvia had not yet recognized it. Eduard Sharmazanov also highly assessed the civil courage of Sergejs Potapkins, who during these grave days for the Armenian people was here, in Armenia, as well as in Artsakh, next to the brotherly people. In the NA Deputy Speaker’s word, the Latvian MP’s visit to Nagorno Karabakh shows that the people of Artsakh are not alone in their struggle. Eduard Sharmazanov expressed his gratitude to Sergejs Potapkins for visiting Armenia and Artsakh, Yerablur Pantheon and for readiness to give real information to his European colleagues about the problem.

Sergejs Potakins thanked Eduard Sharmazanov for assessing his activities and enjoying such high award. “Armenian people are very strong, and the ordeals through which they have undergone only have made them stronger. I wish the Armenian people only to prosper from now on and the historical injustice will be put an end.”

He also informed that he will take part in the Global Forum Against the Crime of Genocide which will be held on April 23.