Heads of the Delegations to the IPA CIS Hold a Joint Press Conference
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After the solemn plenary session of the IPA CIS held on April 17 at Tavrichesky Palace of Saint Petersburg which was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the heads of the delegations to the IPA of the CIS member states held a press conference. The Republic of Armenia represented the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov.

One of the journalists was interested in the NA Deputy Speaker’s assessment on Armenia’s membership to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). “While joining the EEU, Armenia was guided by the state interest. Time showed that the RA President’s decision was justified, and it was not accidental that the overwhelming majority of the Armenian parliamentary forces voted for Armenia’s accession to the EEU.

Joining the EEU, the Republic of Armenia has become a part of the market of 170 millions. I would also like to highlight the accessibility of cheap energy carriers, which is of perspective importance for Armenia. The Republic of Armenia receives the gas with 189 USD on the border, and imports the oil products with 30% exempt from the customs duty,” Eduard Sharmazanov noted in response to the question.

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