Invitation to Press Conference

On March 18 immediately after the end of the Fourth Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, in the Hall 334 of the National Assembly, the press conference of the Co-Presidents of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Heidi Hautala and Boris Tarasyuk will be held.

Sitting of the NA Standing Committee is Held
On March 18 the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport moderated by Artak Davtyan was held.The NA deputy Aram Manukyan presented the draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Conservation and Use of the Immovable Monuments of History and Culture and Historica...

Fourth Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Ends
On March 18 in the RA National Assembly the fourth Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly continued its work, which conducted the Euronest PA Co-Presidents Heidi Hautala and Borys Tarasyuk. The participants discussed issues on the revision of the European Neighbourhood Policy and th...

Press Conference of the RA National Assembly Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov
On March 18 in the RA National Assembly the press conference of the RA National Assembly Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov was held, where he detailed the results of the official visit at the invitation of the heads of the parliaments of the Baltic countries - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on 11-17 ...