RA NA President Visits French Embassy in Armenia
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On January 9 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan visited the French Embassy in Armenia to express his sympathy with the French people on the occasion of terrorism in “Charlie Hebdo” newspaper offices. The NA President left a note in the Book of Condolences opened in the Embassy, which reads: “On behalf of the Armenian people and on my own behalf I express my deep sympathy with the families, relatives of the victims of the terrible terrorism in “Charlie Hebdo” newspaper offices and with the friendly French people, wishing them strength and spiritual valour. We strongly condemn any expression of terrorism, any infringement on democracy and freedom of speech.”

RA NA President Galust Sahakyan addresses Letters of Condolence to the President of the National Assembly Claude Bartolone and the President of the Senate Gérard Larcher of the Republic of France
“We learnt with deep grief about the terrorism in “Charlie Hebdo” newspaper offices on January 7, 2015, which inflicted many casualties. Strongly condemning any infringement on democracy and freedom of speech and rejecting any expression of terro...