Awarding Ceremony at Yerevan State University
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On December 9 the Faculty of Economics and Management of Yerevan State University (YSU) marked the 80th anniversary of its establishment and the 30th anniversary of the reopening. On that occasion the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov, the RA Deputy Prime Minister Vache Gabrielyan, the First Deputy of Chief of Staff to the RA President Vardan Aramyan, the NA deputies, the members of the Government, the YSU lecturers and other guests attended the event organized on that occasion.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Artak Davtyan congratulated the lecturers and students on the occasion of the jubilee and in the name of the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan awarded the lecturers of YSU Faculty of Economics and Management.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of YSU Faculty of Economics and Management Beniamin Yeghiazaryan, professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Doctor of Economics was awarded a Medal of Honour of the National Assembly for his big contribution in the organization of the faculty and scientific-educational activity and preparation of young specialists. Professor Grisha Gharibyan, Head of the Department of Economics Theory, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sargis Ghantarjyan, Head of the Chair of Management and Business, Doctor of Economics, Mels Sahakyan, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Candidate of the Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor Toros Torosyan, Head of the Chair of International Economic Relations, Vardan Bostanjyan, Professor of the Chair of Finances and Accounting, Doctor of Economics were awarded the RA NA diplomas.

Anahit Hambardzumyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Management and Business, Candidate of Economics, and Gagik Galstyan, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics Theory, Candidate of Economics of the Faculty were awarded the RA NA Speaker’s Letters of Appreciation.

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