Press Conference in the National Assembly
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At the press conference held on December 2 the Head of the RA NA Delegation Koryun Nahapetyan and the member of the Delegation Tevan Poghosyan touched upon the results of the works of the 60th annual session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA), which took place in The Hague on November 21-24.

Koryun Nahapetyan informed the attendees that during the plenary session reports were presented, in particular, the NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg made a separate report. Koryun Nahapetyan noted that the Armenian Delegation had meetings with the PA leadership and other delegations. He said that the delegation had actively taken part in the works of the Parliamentary Assembly, presenting the interests and positions of the RA on separate reports and draft resolutions.

The NATO PA adopted 8 resolutions, which first had been in all PA 5 Committees and then approved during the plenary session.

In Mr Nahapetyan’s word, the Armenian Delegation also raised other problems, which related to the national security, particularly the shooting down of the helicopter belonging to the Armed Forces of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and regarding it the international response. However, this time, too, the Azerbaijani media and the delegates of Azerbaijan distorted not only the interpellations, but also the NATO General Secretary’s answers.

Koryun Nahapetyan informed those present that within the PA framework the delegation met with the Assembly delegation, during which problems related to Armenia-NATO partnership relations were considered, touched upon the works done by the Armenian Delegation to the PA, discussed problems concerning the organization of the Rose Roth seminar to be held in Yerevan.

Tevan Poghosyan added that they had responded not only to the problems with their works done within the PA framework, which concern Armenia, but also had touched upon the world global changes. Referring to the shooting down of the Armenian helicopter by Azerbaijan Mr Poghosyan noted that the delegates being concerned towards the region were more interested in the way of removing the bodies of the helicopter crew and the parts of the helicopter.

Summing up the works of the Armenian Delegation in the PA annual session, Mr Nahapetyan assessed it effective.

The members of the delegation also answered the journalists’ questions.

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