Annual Report on the RA Control Chamber is Debated at the RA NA Standing Committee
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On September 26 the RA NA Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment moderated by Martun Grigoryan debated the oversight results conducted by the Control Chamber (COC) on the programs implemented through the state budget by the RA Ministries of Agriculture and Nature Protection. The RA COC Chairman Ishkhan Zakaryan, the RA NA deputies, those responsible for the sphere of agriculture and nature protection and the NGO representatives attended the sitting.

The Head of the RA COC Second Department David Chibukhchyan noted that during this year the COC conducted oversight in the sphere of agriculture, investigating 4 programs and registered certain breaches.

Ishkhan Zakaryan underlined that in 2014 and in the next years those programs would be under the oversight of the Control Chamber.

Those responsible for the abovementioned spheres and programs answered Ishkhan Zakaryan’s and the RA NA deputies’ questions and indicated solutions to the problems and steps to be taken in this direction.