Visit of the NA Standing Committee to Dilijan
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The RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government jointly with the RA NA Support Program on June 23 organized a visit to Dilijan. The goal of the visit was to discuss the theme on “Community Extension” with the participation of the Heads of marz communities, the members of the Elders, inhabitants, the representatives of the local organizations and those responsible for the sphere.

The Committee Chairman Stepan Margaryan in his opening word noted that the government had planned to go for community extension. He informed that a few months ago they had visited Latvia and Estonia for studying the experience of community extension.

The Deputy Chairman of the Committee Araik Hovhannisyan has noted that the RA Government has worked out the concept of community extsnion, and there is a provision on it also in the Government Programme.

The discussion was held in active atmosphere. The speakers talked about the peculiarities of the problem. The Committee members and the expert of the sphere Vahan Movsisyan presented the principles and approaches of community extension programs, answered the attendees’ numerous questions. The representatives of the community thanked the NA Standing Committee for the visit.

Summing up the discussions the Stepan Margaryan thanked for the concerned discussions, noting that the Committee is open and public, is ready to meet with people and discuss all the proposals and remarks. He informed those present that the discussion on community extension will also be organised in other marzes.

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