Biography of the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan
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Born on April 8, 1948 in Yerevan.

1971 - Graduated from the Yerevan State University. Philologist.

1970-1972 - Metalworker in the Yerevan Silk Complex. 1972-1991 - Teacher at School # 30, the Deputy Principal at School # 94, School # 153, Principal at School # 3 and School # 185. 1991-1996 – Deputy Chairman, First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of Mashtots District Council in Yerevan.

1995-1999 - Deputy of the National Assembly (electoral district # 32). Member of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth of the National Assembly. Member of the Republic faction, then - member of the Yerkrapah deputy group. the RPA Member.

1999-2003 - Deputy of the National Assembly (proportional electoral system, Unity alliance.) Vice Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth. Member of the Unity faction, then Head of the same faction.

2003-2007 – NA Deputy (proportional electoral system, RPA.) Member of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs. Head of the RPA faction.

2007-2012 - NA Deputy (proportional electoral system, RPA.) Member of the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs of the National Assembly (June 19, 2007 - November 17, 2008). Head of the RPA faction. The RPA Deputy Chairman. Member of the RPA Executive Body and Board.

May 6, 2012 - Elected Deputy of the National Assembly through the proportional electoral system from the Republican Party of Armenia. Head of the RPA faction. the RPA Deputy Chairman, Member of the RPA Executive Body and Board.

He was awarded the RA National Assembly Medal of Honour (2004), Vazgen Sargsyan Medal (2005), the RA Prime Minister Memorial Medal (2006), Memorial Medal of the Honourable Member of the Educational Centre of P. Yavorov School # 131 (2007), Mesrop Mashtots Medal (2008), Eagle of Mountainous Armenia  Golden Memorial Medal (2008), Khachatur Abovian Medal (2008), Fridtjof Nansen Golden Memorial Medal (2010), Mkhitar Gosh Medal (2011).

Married with two children and five grandchildren.

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Galust Sahakyan is Elected President of the National Assembly
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