Working Meeting in the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs
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On February 28 the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs organized a working meeting on the theme “The Guarantees of Trade Unions’ Activity.” Representatives of Trade Unions and human rights NGOs took part in the discussions.

The Chair of the Committee Elinar Vardanyan has informed the attendees that the goal of the discussion is again to touch upon the activity, establishment and development of the Trade Unions.

The experts of the Committee informed those present that before the meeting the Committee had meetings with the sides interested in the problem, who had expressed concerns on the legislative problems of the sphere. It has been noted that the aim of this meeting is to discuss with those responsible of the sphere the legislative problems, particularly the law “On Trade Unions” and a number of provisions of the Labour Code, which impede or do not promote the effective activity of Trade Unions and jointly find solutions for it. She mentioned that before this discussion the Committee had had a few meetings with concerning sides, who had expressed numerous concerns on the legislative problems of the sphere.

During the exchange of thoughts the representatives of Trade Unions, human rights NGOs touched upon the problems of the system and introduced their proposals and viewpoints. They referred to the contradictions of the law “On Trade Unions” and the Labour Code, the lack of legal leverages of influencing employee by Trade Unions, the guarantees and rights given to Trade Unions, the independence of financial management of Trade Unions, the problems risen in labour relations, the mechanism of employee-employer dispute resolution and other problems.

The Committee Chair urged the participants to submit proposals in written form, on the basis of which a recommendation will be presented to improve the laws regulating the sphere. An agreement was reached to organize one more meeting in future.