RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Condoles on the Death of Grigor Gurzadian

The RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan condoled on the death of Grigor Gurzadian. “I learnt with deep grief about the death of the renowned scientist, academician Grigor Gurzadian. In the person of Gurzadian the Armenian people and the world community lost an author of a number of discoveries, a scholar of original way of thinking, who enjoyed big prestige among international scientific circles. With his unique trace and rich scientific and cultural heritage he will always remain in our memory.

In the name of the RA National Assembly and personally me I express my condolences to Grigor Gurzadian's family and colleagues.''

Meetings in the NA Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment
On February 24 the members of the NA Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment met with the representatives of the NGO involved with the ecological problems. The goal of the meeting was to discuss problems connected with the Lake Sevan and the operation of Tukhmanuk gold mine.According to th...

National Assembly Begins the Work of the Four-Day Sittings
On February 24 the National Assembly began the work of the next four-day sittings and with the approval of the agendas of the four-day sittings.The National Assembly also approved by voting the NA draft decision on replacing the days of the NA four-day sittings’ convocations, according to which, the...

Open Lesson in the National Assembly
On February 24 within the framework of the Open Lesson Programme the National Assembly hosted the pupils and the teachers of the schools from different communities of Aragatsotn, Shirak, Gegharkunik marzes. The guests attended the four-day sitting then met with Artak Davtyan, the Chairman of th...