Meeting in the NA Standing Committee on European Integration
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On February 20 the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with Juris Poikāns, the Ambassador-at-Large for Eastern Partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Elita Gavele, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to Armenia.

Naira Zohrabyan presented the current level of Armenia-European Union dialogue and highlighted the necessity of its continuity. She welcomed the proposal of the new European package by the EU to the Eastern Partnership countries, which will give an opportunity to distinguish the basic directions of continuing the cooperation with the EU. The Committee Chair has highlighted the elaboration of the roadmap with the EU, where the consistency and the directions of the steps around which the dialogue is very necessary, first of all, for Armenia.

Juris Poikāns has noted that the Eastern Partnership remains one of the most important priorities for them. As in 2015 Latvia is going to assume the presidency in the European Union, hence an agreement was reached that in future a seminar-working discussion will be organized between the members of the Standing Committees on European Integration and on Foreign Relations of the Armenian Parliament and homonym Committees of the Latvian Parliament, when the sides will present their proposals on the roadmap.

Meeting at the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations
On February 20 the Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan met with Petr Mikyska, Charges d’Affaires of the Czech Republic to Armenia. The interlocutors discussed issues pertaining to the development of the Armenian-Czech parliamentary relations and the acti...