NA Deputies Meet with the Members of the Argentina-Armenia Friendship Group of the National Congress of Argentina
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On November 26 in Buenos Aires the Armenian parliamentarians met with the members of the Argentina-Armenia Friendship Group of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of Argentina.

In the course of the meeting they discussed a number of issues of bilateral interest, including the deepening of inter-parliamentary cooperation, the partnership in the international structures and issues regarding the regional problems.

The sides also talked about the Armenian-Argentinean friendship, the Armenian community of Argentina, deemed important the development of cooperation in a number of spheres, as, according to the parliamentarians, there are big opportunities of cooperation in the spheres of economy, science, education, culture and other spheres for the two states.

Welcoming their Armenian counterparts the Argentinean parliamentarians noted that the Armenians and the Argentineans had always warm friendly relations, and such meetings would boost to more strengthen and develop the cooperation.

The NA deputies invited their counterparts to Armenia and Artsakh.

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