Parliamentary Hearings in the National Assembly
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Upon the initiative of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs on November 22 parliamentary hearings on the theme “The Creation and the Development of the System of Reduction of Disaster Risks, Early Announcement of Disasters and Overcoming Them” were held, where representatives of the legislative and executive bodies, NGOs and scientific organizations, territorial administrative bodies and experts took part.

The Committee Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security Koryun Nahapetyan had an opening speech. He has recorded that the reduction of the disaster risks is of national priority, which is approved in different documents of strategic importance and designs formation of strong and stable national institutional system. In reduction of disaster risks he highlighted especially the improvement of the legislative field regulating the field, as well as the monitoring reserved to the National Assembly and consistent implementation of the functions of fulfilling oversight. The Committee Chairman conditioned the efficiency of solving the existing problems by the joint and consistent work of the legislative and executive bodies, NGOs and specialists, to which are directed these discussions.

The RA Minister of Emergency Situations Armen Yeritsyan has reported about the reforms made in the field, the designing programmes, the effective cooperation with the international structures and different countries, informing the attendees that Armenia is the first country of the region which has worked out a national platform of reduction of disaster risks, where the steps taken before the disaster and to be taken after the disaster are presented in detail.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs Tevan Poghsoyan has informed those present that in Armenia there 110 kinds of disasters, which demand to create a stable system of reduction of disaster risks. The deputy also highlighted the problem of the formation of the rescuer’s character and the psychologists’ involvement in the field.

The Governor of the RA Vayots Dzor Marz Edgar Ghazaryan introduced the manifestations and risks of the disasters, consequences of the floods and the ways of their prevention in the marz. He highlighted the increase of the capabilities of the self-government bodies, the consistent implementation of the programmes, and the concerted work with the marz (regional) services of the RA Minister of Emergency Situations.

The Chairwoman of the National Committee of the Association For Sustainable Human Development Karine Danielyan mainly touched upon the cases of violation of the urban development norms, the growth of buildings on the green areas and the problems of increasing the disaster risks as a consequence of it.

The Head of the State Non-Commercial Organization Garni Scientific Centre Western Service of Seismic Defense of the RA Minister of Emergency Situations Lion Hakhverdyan talked about the centres of disaster risks.

During the parliamentary hearings the speakers made recommendations and answered the participants’ questions.

In his final speech the Committee Chairman thanked the reporters and participants for active discussions, assuring them that the discussions would be continuous and purposeful. Koryun Nahapetyan assured the attendees that all the concerned sides would be represented in the working group to be created for that purpose.

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