Meeting at the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration
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On September 13 the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with Canan Atilgan, Regional Head of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung/Foundation “Political Dialogue: South Caucasus.”

The Committee Chair has highlighted the work that Konrad Adenauer Foundation implements for many years, promoting the spreading of democracy, human rights, freedom and justice and the process of European integration. The sides discussed the situation created in the country after the decision of Armenia’s joining to the Customs Union. To Ms Zohrabyan’s conviction, it is important not to endanger the dialogue with the European Union and the cooperation with the European structures, underlining that the European direction continues to remain one of the external political priorities of Armenia. The sides discussed how the Foundation can assist the structures of the parliament and first of all, for effectively continuing the process of European integration of the Committee on European Integration.

In the course of the meeting a series of issues of bilateral interest were discussed.

Meeting at the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations
On September 13 the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly Artak Zakaryan met with the member of the FRG Bundestag Jurgen Klimke and the Editor of the political section of Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper Christian Unger. Welcoming the guests the Chairman of t...