NA Working Consultation is Held
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On March 15 the RA NA working consultation presided over by the President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan was held.

The draft decisions on amending the agenda of the third session of the National Assembly of the fifth convocation and on March 18-21 four-day sittings of the National Assembly were debated. 9 items were included in the draft decision on amending the agenda of the NA third session. 71 items, among them 15 international treaties were included in the draft decision of the agenda of the upcoming NA four-day sittings.

The draft decisions on amending the agenda of the NA third session of the fifth convocation and on the agenda of March 18-21 four-day sittings of the National Assembly will be approved at March 18 NA sitting.

Memorandum of Cooperation Between the RA National Assembly and the OSCE Office in Yerevan
On March 15 the President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan received the Ambassador Andrey Sorokin, the Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.Hovik Abrahamyan has highly assessed the effective cooperation established between the RA National Assembly and the OSCE Office in Yerevan, noting that i...

Sittings of the NA Standing Committees Are Held
On March 15 at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs moderated by Koryun Nahapetyan the package of bills proposing amendments to the RA Law “On Money Laundering and Fighting against Terrorism Financing” and amendments to 14 relevant laws were deb...

RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Sends a Telegram of Condolence on Aramayis Sahakyan’s Death
I learned with a deep grief about the death of writer, satirist, poet and publicist Aramayis Sahakyan.The talented artist, the unique journalist and joyous man, whose written and oral word were full of inexhaustible energy and civil posture, passed away. Sahakyan’s pen was also spreading love and ki...