RA National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan Meets with the Journalists
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On February 27 the RA National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan met with the representatives of mass media accredited in the NA at their request and answered the questions concerning them.

At the request of the website journalist Hovik Abrahamyan presented his evaluation of the current political situation and noted that in relation to the post-electoral processes during the NA plenary sitting he proposed a recommendation to the Heritage faction to discuss within the parliamentary format the situation created after the elections. The representatives of the Heritage faction expressed their readiness and the ARF faction had also joined them. The other parliamentary factions also accepted the recommendation of joining the discussions. Now they work on the text of the joint statement, and it is decided what format should be chosen for the discussions. In Hovik Abrahamyan’s word, if a general agreement is reached, then an extraordinary sitting is organized, otherwise the processes will continue.

Touching upon the announcement spread by the PAP political board on the previous day, the NA President has noted that every political force has its approaches, views and he doesn’t wish in any way to respond the abovementioned announcement.

The reporter of Yerkir/Country Media TV Company was interested in the NA President’s evaluation on Serzh Sargsyan’s defeat in some marzes. In response to that Hovik Abrahamyan has reminded that in the republic there are 915 city and rural communities. Defeat has been registered only in 70 communities, among them 15 – city, 55- rural, and 58.3% of the votes, which provided victory, according to Hovik Abrahamyan, it is not a bad index. He expressed his disagreement with the opinion that if defeat has been registered in any city or rural community, then the head of the community should resign. “In general, our party is against it, because the head of the given community is not guilty that our candidate has defeated. They are general problems that we should discuss and understand later,” the NA President said. He deemed the resignations by the Head of the Shirak Marz and the Mayor of Armavir to be a moral problem.

The Aravot/Morning daily was interested in the issue what consequence would result in Raffi Hovannisian’s adopted rough position. “We have won in the elections with a very good index – 58.6%. 861.000 citizens have voted for our candidate. We respect those 539.000 citizens, who have voted for Raffi Hovannisian, but they are obliged to respect those 861.000 citizens, who have voted for Serzh Sargsyan. And no rough position stems neither from laws, nor from the Constitution. There is the official announcement by the Central Electoral Commission, according to which, Serzh Sargsyan is the legitimate president. In my opinion, all political forces, let it be the Heritage party, Raffi Hovannisian or other candidates, should accept the defeat, congratulate the winning candidate and try to use their potential not in street meetings, but propose the President, the authorities to use their recommendations, make changes and reforms in future. In all spheres we agree to negotiate, and we are ready to discuss every reasonable recommendation. The assemblies do not stem from the interests of neither the state, nor the people,” Hovik Abrahamyan noted.

At the request of Haykakan Zhamanak /Armenian Time daily reporter the NA President touched upon the incident, which has occurred in Raffi Hovannisian’s assembly held in Artashat. In Hovik Abrahamyan’s word, he has seen the video on that incident on Asekose/Gossip website, where it is distinctly seen how the young man accompanying Raffi Hovannisian hits the person making the video. The remaining allegations he left for the journalists, at the same time urging them to be deprived of offending people in publications and announcements.

Regarding his high reputation in Artashat, Hovik Abrahamyan conditioned it by the work he had done during the years as deputy, Chairman of Artashat City Council Executive Committee, then Governor of the marz.

If the assembly fighting enters into rougher phase, what will be the actions of the power: in response to the question of Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun/Fourth Self-Power newspaper reporter the NA President has noted that Raffi Hovannisian is such a reasonable political figure that he would not take such step. “I don’t consider the rough speeches as rough steps. Simply, Raffi Hovhannisian tries to express his position to the public. We are obliged not to let any illegal action, and every man is equal before law. I think that the law enforcement bodies should defend the law, try to urge everybody to have their actions in the field of law,” said Hovik Abrahamyan. He ruled out any illegal action of power by any department.

The reporter of Azatutyun/Liberty Radio Station was interested in admissibility of recommendations by Raffi Hovannisian for the authorities. In response to that the NA President noted: “If you have noticed, every time I underline – reasonable recommendations. If Raffi Hovannisian should say, let’s go to the second round, then how can we agree, is it a reasonable recommendation? If he proposes to dissolve the National Assembly, how Serzh Sargsyan should go for it, if it is not possible to carry out with any item of the Constitution. Yes, it is a reasonable recommendation if he says that a representative from the Heritage will lead the given sphere, and it will be proposed to include that person in the composition of the government. If they make such recommendations, then, I am sure that Serzh Sargsyan will be ready to discuss with Mr Hovannisian.”

“The opposition has made its recommendations. Have you got your recommendations? What steps are going to take the authorities in deepening of reforms in order to facilitate the actions existing in the society,” the journalist from was interested. In response to that, Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that the authorities’ programmes of making reforms are not connected with the opposition recommendations. “But if they have reasonable recommendations, which will help the authorities to effectively make reforms, then we are ready to discuss them, in fact, not only with Raffi Hovannisian, but also with all political forces, even with every citizen. Yes, we know that we have socially vulnerable layers that there are dissatisfactions from different ministries, departments, bureaucrats, I am sure that in the upcoming five years the RA President will certainly refer to them, will try to solve all problems facing the people. Our team led by Serzh Sargsyan, has that political will, I am sure that big changes will be in future” said the NA President.

At the request of Yerevan website Hovik Abrahamyan has touched upon the meeting with the RA President Serzh Sargsyan held on the previous day, also answering the question if he had been proposed to run the government. The NA President has also informed them during the meeting with the President they have talked about the works going on in the National Assembly: the issue on the shift of the Prime Minister has not been discussed. In his words, there is no problem for haste, and everything will be objectively solved by law. “In future we are going to have elections of the Elders of Yerevan city, now we are going to be engaged with that problem. According to the schedule, we must go forward: on April 9 the RA President’s inauguration, on the same day the Government will submit resignation, and within a month the Prime Minister will be appointed and the cabinet of the government will be formed. During that period we have time to think and form the team. I am sure that Serzh Sargsyan will make right decision,” the Head of the parliament said, not excluding that the Prime Minister’s appointment will be held on April 9.

Touching upon the constitutional amendments, the news spread on the increase of the number of Deputy Prime Ministers and turning into parliamentary administration system, Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that those issues are within the authorities of the RA President, and if any concrete step is taken, then everybody will be informed. “I personally find that there is need of changes. IN the party we have discussed the issue of expanding the institute of Deputy Prime Ministers, but the RA President has not given any assignment for its implementation. In future everything will be more visible,” he said.

Among the expecting changes Hovik Abrahamyan has informed those present that in future a programme of making bigger communities is envisaged.

Regarding the question of the journalist from website if the issue on the format of participation in the elections of Yerevan Elders has been discussed in the RPA, the NA President has said that discussions have not been held, but it’s time for that: from March 3 the recommendations should begin.

He has denied the information spread in the press, according to which, in connection with the Mayor of Yerevan, a compromising version has been worked out between the RPA and the PAP, does not meet the reality.

Referring to the cooperation with the PAP and the opportunities of making coalition, Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that we should never exclude anything; everything is possible. “The political forces, which agree with us and are ready to support Serzh Sargsyan in implementing the programmes to be held in future, if they wish to make coalition with us, then our executive body led by Serzh Sargsyan will discuss those issues,” said the NA President, highlighting the involvement of the professional leaders in the coalition government.

Hovik Abrahamyan confirmed the information that he had a meeting with the former Mayor of Yerevan Karen Karapetyan, when no political problem was discussed.

Satisfying the journalists’ curiosity, Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that he has no intention to nominate himself in the presidential elections in 2018. “It’s not obligatory that some people’s concerns be my intentions. Such people should be calm, I have no such intentions and I have not them,” the NA President said. Regarding his wish of becoming Prime Minister, he noted: “Before I wanted, but now I don’t. The post of the President of the National Assembly is higher.”

The NA President Hovik Abrahamyan also answered other questions concerning the journalists.

At the Next Sitting of the National Assembly
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