Meeting at the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs
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On February 15 the Chairman of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs Koryun Nahapetyan met with the students of the Faculty of International Relations of Yerevan State University.

Welcoming them Koryun Nahapetyan presented the structure of the parliament and standing committees, the spheres of their activities, the phases of the bills’ elaboration and other parliamentary events. He expressed conviction that their practice held in the parliament would add the students’ knowledge and abilities.

Koryun Nahapetyan has noticed that the National Assembly of the fifth convocation pays special attention to parliamentary diplomacy and the Armenian delegation’s work in the international organizations, the development and rapprochement of relations between the parliamentary friendship groups.

Being Head of the NA Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Koryun Nahapetyan presented to the students the functions, goal, structure, the programs being implemented in that structure, NATO-Armenia relations and perspectives.

The Committee Chairman also answered the students’ questions, as well as proposed to take part in the parliamentary hearings and working consultations being organized in the parliament.

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