RA NA Vice President Took Part in the Event Organized on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the UN Activity in RA
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On September 28 the RA National Assembly Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov took part in the event organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the activity of the United Nations (UN). Highlighting the activity of this international prestigious organization in Armenia, Eduard Sharmazanov read the message by the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan:

“Dear Mrs Gercheva,

Distinguished representatives of the diplomatic corps,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the presence of the United Nations. The ideas proclaimed by the UN: honoring human rights, democracy, sustainable development, today have not lost their topicality. On the contrary, they have gained new quality and meaning. They have become the inseparable part of state ideology.

During the past twenty years the UN has been the reliable partner of the Republic of Armenia. In his turn Armenia, adhering to the UN values, have felt the permanent support of the organization and its agencies.

By the assistance of the UN Armenia Office the Armenian authorities registered success in overcoming the economic, social, administrative and ecological problems facing the country. The UN Armenia Office has implemented numerous programs, due to which the situation has essentially improved in the spheres of health care, education, democratic reforms and other spheres.

As a result of joint work of the UN and the Government of the Republic of Armenia, improvement of social situation and active involvement of the society in the processes going on in the country is seen in all marzes.

Armenia highlights the assistance of the United Nations in the issues of the reforms being made in the country, efforts aimed at strengthening the democracy, encouraging the human rights and ensuring the rule of law.

The Armenian authorities are resolute to more strengthen and deepen the democracy in our country and in that matter, among other international organizations, the United Nations organization has its unique place and role.”

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