RA NA President Took Part in the Reception Dedicated to the Proclamation Day of the People’s Republic of China
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On September 27 the RA NA President took part in the official reception dedicated to the 63rd anniversary of Proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Welcoming those present the RA NA President said:

“Dear Mr Ambassador,

Distinguished representatives of diplomatic corps,

Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and on my own behalf I wish to extend my cordial congratulations to you and, in your person, to the friendly people of the People’s Republic of China on the National Day – Proclamation of the Republic, as well as on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Armenia.

Armenia attaches paramount importance to our bilateral cooperation, and the development of relations with China is among the priorities of the Armenian foreign policy.

Over the recent two decades the enlargement and deepening of mutually beneficial social, political, economic and cultural cooperation have furthered mutual understanding and activation of interaction between our societies.

Armenia highly values the projects implemented with China’s technical and financial support aimed at strengthening of the national economy and promoting sustainable development of our country.

Dear Mr. Ambassador, I would like to take this opportunity and once again congratulate you on your National Day and to convey my best wishes for peace and prosperity to the friendly people of China.”

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