Foreign Lecturers in the National Assembly
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On June 13 Artak Davtyan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport met with the foreign lecturers of the Chair of Oriental Languages of Yerevan Valery Brusov State Linguistic University, who were representing Greece, Egypt, Georgia and Eastern Asia countries, Japan, Korea, China and India.

In the course of the meeting a number of issues regarding the sphere of education, particularly, inter-higher education institutional cooperation, were discussed. The Committee Chairman expressed readiness to support the lecturers to get familarized with the laws adopted by the legislative power of Armenia in the sphere of education and the ongoing process of reforms.

Thanking for warm reception in the guests’ name Artur Israyelyan, Head of the Chair of Oriental Languages highlighted the cooperation with the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.

The visit was also cognitive, the guests took a tour in the parliament and had been in the session hall.

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