Works of the PABSEC 39th Plenary Session Wrapped Up
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On May 23 the 39th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) was wrapped up with the press conference.

The Vice-President of the Assembly Areg Ghukasyan said that during the Meeting all the agenda issues had been discussed, representative of Russia Yevgeny Kapishin unanimously had been elected Deputy Secretary General of the parliament, it was decided to grant Observer status with the PABSEC to two parliamentary organizations: Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy and the Parliamentary Union of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

Mr Ghukasyan noted that the majority of the issues of the Rules of Procedure, which were discussed in the Assembly Committees, had been approved. It was again decided to enter the issues not adopted in the Meetings of the Bureau and the Committee into the Working Group Agenda. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, in the Assembly the presidency has passed from Armenia to Azerbaijan.

Head of the Turkish Delegation Ismail Safi thanked the Armenian side for organizing the works of the Assembly and receiving them at high level.

The heads of the national delegations taking part in the press conference also answered the journalists’ questions.

At the 39th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
On May 23 the 39th Plenary Session of Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) began in the RA National Assembly. Samvel Nikoyan, RA National Assembly President, PABSEC Acting President made opening remarks. Welcoming the participants of the session Mr. Nikoyan mentioned...