RA NA Speaker Receives the Delegation Led by the Foreign Minister of Finland
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On April 4 the RA NA Speaker Samvel Nikoyan received the delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Erkki Tuomioya. Welcoming the guests Mr Nikoyan has noted that Armenia greatly emphasizes the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation in many spheres with Scandinavian region and, particularly, Finland.

In the NA Speaker’s word Armenia positively assesses the positions of Finland in the South Caucasus towards ongoing political processes, and the balanced posture it has towards the political problems, particularly, in connection with Nagorno Karabakh.

The Head of the RA Parliament has noted that the successes that Finland has registered in the spheres of development of economy, solution of social problems, protection of human rights. In Mr Nikoyan’s word, those successes are worth imitating.

The NA Speaker highlighted the experience and prestige of the parliaments for strengthening of democratic institutes and full implementation of law-making activity. As one of the ways of reaching them he noted the mutual contacts with such countries having traditions of parliamentarism, as Finland.

The Head of the RA Parliament also emphasized the relations with Finland from the view of Armenia-European Union cooperation. In that aspect the support of Finland to the efforts of Arme4nia’s European Integration, particularly, within the EU Eastern Partnership framework is expected.

At the guest’s request the NA Speaker touched upon the electoral system functioning in the RA, the initiatives, which are inclined at holding the elections preserving the law and in accordance with international standards.

Thanking for reception Erkki Tuomioya highlighted the cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries. In his word, having experience of parliamentary activity, he attaches great importance to the relations between the parliaments, which should be expanded and be continuous.

The Foreign Minister highly appreciated the progress that Armenia had recorded on the way to integration. He expressed readiness to support in the steps to be taken in future, highlighting in the integration process the adoption of the flexible policy of the countries with their neighbours.

Emphasizing the holding of free and fair elections to be held in future in Armenia, Erkki Tuomioya said that Finland would have its representatives in observation missions.

The Foreign Minister addressed questions concerning him to the NA Speaker, the representatives of the parliamentary factions participating in the meeting.