RA NA Speaker Visits Yerevan Modern Art Museum
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On March 6 the RA NA Speaker Samvel Nikoyan visited Yerevan Modern Art Museum, where he took part in the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the art professional Henrik Igityan’s 80th birth anniversary.Before that the presentation of the publications of the late art professional’s last book “Modern Art Museum” in Russian and in English. The history of the 1972-90s of this cultural center, about five dozens of the painters’ works are presented in the book. And the current exhibition was comprised of these very works. Those present also listened to the performances of “Hover” Ensemble.

RA NA Speaker Meets the Students
On March 6 the National Assembly Speaker Samvel Nikoyan met the students of Yerevan State University and Yerevan V. Brusov State Linguistic University, European Regional Academy and State Administration Academy having practice in the parliament.The young people presented to the NA Speaker the motiva...

RA Parliamentary Delegation Met Its Lithuanian Counterparts
On March 6 the RA Parliamentary delegation led by the NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov being in Vilnius, met Algis Kašėta, Chairman of Lithuania-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group, and the members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the Lithuanian Seimas.The parties have t...

RA Parliamentary Delegation Met the President of the Lithuanian Seimas Irena Degutienė
On March 6 the RA Parliamentary delegation led by the NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov, met the President of the Lithuanian Seimas Irena Degutienė in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Gagik Melikyan, Secretary of the NA RPA faction, and Ara Nranyan, member of the ARF faction, are in the de...